A Year in the Life of a Recovering Spendaholic.

This is a book about personal change related to “spendaholic” behaviours. It is the recorded journey of the author’s commitment to not purchase anything non-disposable for herself or her home for an entire year.

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A Year in the Life of a Recovering Spendaholic.

For the past twenty-five years, Leadership has been the focus of my business; Leadership by behavior, not position. I have always had, and still do, the desire to improve things, especially inspiring others to be their best selves. I want the world to work for all of us, not just the wealthy and well connected. Most likely my passion for this comes from my own childhood, a childhood which was too often filled with chaos and deprivation. But amid that, there were people who loved me and showed me how to make a better life for myself. The Bible verse, “To whom much is given, much will be required,” and the common phrase, “Pay it Forward,” both reflect what I want my life to be. I realized early in my career that Gandhi’s quote, “You must be the Change You Wish to See in the World” is how major cultural change occurs. Although I “knew” that, I didn’t always live it. My year of no spending was my commitment to change something in me that I believed would help me to be my best self. I was very clear that although others might be inspired by my commitment and my book “journaling the journey,” that this change was predominately for me.

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"Donec at ullamcorper leo. Donec facilisis lobortis neque at feugiat. Aenean nec bibendum tortor, at euismod felis. Praesent porta velit non velit mattis, eu condimentum nisl sagittis. Vivamus faucibus nunc et commodo commodo. Suspendisse faucibus risus sapien, sit amet vulputate odio laoreet blandit."

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